Watch Me Play! is a simple way for parents or carers to support and enjoy being with their baby or child, aged from birth to around eight years old.


In this approach, parents or carers watch their baby or child playing and talk with them about their play for between five and twenty minutes, twice a week, or more often if possible.


Play is a very important part of children’s lives.



As they play, children find out about the world around them and practice skills that will help them when they start school.


This short video shows how parents and carers can feel more confident and closer to their baby or child through play:


Download the Welcome to Watch Me Play! Video text in English here.

Download the video text in other languages here.


How children play changes with their age, but the same key ideas about play can be helpful with babies, toddlers and older children:

Key Points

Finding a quiet place and some simple toys for 5 to 20 minutes

Having one to one time with your baby or child

Letting your baby or child make the choices in their play

Talking with your baby or child about their play,

Talking with another adult about your baby or child’s play.


You can find more information and free resources in this website.


Watch Me Play! guidance has been developed together with families and professionals in a range of services for children and families.


In some areas, trained Watch Me Play! practitioners in services for children and families and early years settings can support parents by joining them to watch and talk about their child’s play. Sessions can be in the family home, in a children’s centre, a clinic, or online. See the Links section for suggestions for finding services providing this kind of support in your local area.



Watch Me Play! resources may be downloaded for free and shared with family, friends and colleagues by individuals and non-profit organizations, as long as they are not modified in any way and are provided with no charge.


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